
What Works? A New Era in Malaria Prevention

What Works? A New Era in Malaria Prevention

Join Alliance member JSI for a webinar focused on immunization and malaria prevention, control, and treatment as the world prepares for a new horizon of malaria prevention. The malaria vaccine has shown to be a potentially powerful tool in the prevention toolkit, but there are important considerations for successful rollout and sustained implementation. Strong partnership between EPI and NMCPs, communities, and other public and private partners is essential. 

Fireside Chat with Paulin Basinga, Gates Foundation Director for Health in Africa | January 27, 2021

Fireside Chat with Paulin Basinga, Gates Foundation Director for Health in Africa | January 27, 2021

At the Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s Annual Meeting, held on January 27, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Paulin Basinga, Director, Health, Africa, served as the keynote speaker. He spoke in a fireside chat on “Solidarity in Vaccine Access” with Alliance board member Stefano Bertozzi, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Health Policy & Management, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Read more about the Annual Meeting.

Insights Dialogue Launch Event | November 2, 2021

Insights Dialogue Launch Event | November 2, 2021

On November 2, 2021, Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Boost Community, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Alliance for Advancing Health Online launched the Insights Dialogue platform, a new site focused on sharing evidence and how-tos with vaccine program implementers, public health communicators, behavior change scientists and other stakeholders. During this live engagement, a panel of experts discussed case studies featured on the Insights Dialogue platform.

GDHF 2021: Insights on the Importance of Trust in Harnessing Social Media for Vaccine Confidence | December 8, 2021

GDHF 2021: Insights on the Importance of Trust in Harnessing Social Media for Vaccine Confidence | December 8, 2021

The Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Sabin Vaccine Institute collaborated, as partners of Advancing Health Online, on a GDHF session that focused on the importance of trust in building vaccine confidence. We highlighted examples of social media’s capacity to impact vaccine confidence and health behaviors — and how trust is a critical component. The discussion was a fireside chat in style, discussing the importance of trust in improving health outcomes on social media, sharing insights and the importance of evidence-based solutions. It was followed by a robust audience Q&A.

Connecting Through Emotional Appeals | December 9, 2021

Connecting Through Emotional Appeals | December 9, 2021

On December 9th, the Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Alliance, partners of Advancing Health Online, convened the second Insights Dialogue live engagement. Communications and global health experts shared their experience developing persuasive social media messaging to address vaccine hesitancy using peer-reviewed literature and extensive online testing for greater behavior change impact. The diverse panel (including a representative from UNICEF) shared their strategies, lessons learned through the testing results, and how to apply these results to improve campaigns.

Social Media Listening for Improved Vaccine Acceptance | February 23, 2022

Social Media Listening for Improved Vaccine Acceptance | February 23, 2022

The Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance, and the Alliance for Advancing Health Online explored Social Media Listening for Improved Vaccine Acceptance on February 23rd. During this live virtual engagement, we heard from global health and communications experts who shared their experiences using social media listening to drive programming decisions for improved vaccine uptake, specifically focused on minority and vulnerable populations.

Vaccine Chatbots: The Role of AI in Driving Demand | March 24, 2022

Vaccine Chatbots: The Role of AI in Driving Demand | March 24, 2022

Chatbots are a powerful tool for change. How has artificial intelligence contributed to the global fight against COVID-19 vaccine misinformation? Alliance member Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance, the Alliance for Advancing Health Online, and subject matter experts convened to explore how chatbots have been used to drive vaccine acceptance and demand by providing equitable, tailored and accessible information. This Insights Dialogue event highlighted chatbots providing COVID-19 vaccine information in India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States.

CUGH 2022 Satellite Session: Harnessing Social Media and Digital Platforms to Improve Health Outcomes | March 25, 2022

CUGH 2022 Satellite Session: Harnessing Social Media and Digital Platforms to Improve Health Outcomes | March 25, 2022

The Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Sabin Vaccine Institute are collaborating, as partners of the Alliance for Advancing Health Online (AAHO), to elevate what knowledge exists today and how social media can be most effectively harnessed to combat misinformation and disinformation. This CUGH satellite session will include lightning talks from the researchers, as well as fireside chats with leading stakeholders in this space, such as the WHO Tech Task Force, The Rockefeller Foundation’s Mercury Project, Sabin Vaccine Institute, and other AAHO partners like the World Bank and the CDC Foundation.

Empowering Community Voices to Promote Vaccine Confidence through Social Media | April 20, 2022

Empowering Community Voices to Promote Vaccine Confidence through Social Media | April 20, 2022

Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Alliance for Advancing Health Online convened to explore the most effective methods community members can use to influence vaccine confidence through social media. Local voices and personal connections can be powerful influences in driving vaccine confidence in communities. This session shared three approaches to incorporating community voices into social media messaging and discussed best practices for leveraging and amplifying their impact.