Nearly 100 attendees from nearly 50 member organizations convened online on January 27 for the Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s first-ever Annual Meeting.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Paulin Basinga, Director, Health, Africa, was the keynote speaker. He spoke in a fireside chat on “Solidarity in Vaccine Access” with Alliance board member Stefano Bertozzi, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Health Policy & Management, UC Berkeley School of Public Health.
Basinga has led public health efforts in Rwanda and Nigeria. He said that the continent’s response to the current pandemic has been informed by the public health infrastructure already in place across the African Union to combat AIDS, Ebola, polio and other infectious diseases.
“People listen more to the government,” in Africa, he said, adding, “The CDC has been playing a critical role there. Working with Gavi, they’ve created what they’re calling the Africa Vaccine Access Initiative.” Equally important are local efforts because “in Africa, people really trust their community leaders, they trust their religious leaders. There has a huge impact in terms of people trusting the process,” Basinga said.
“This pandemic has been another proof point of the impact of inequity. We need the scientific successes of 2020 to reach as many people as possible … In 2020, we saw unbelievable scientific progress in our fight against COVID-19. In 2021, we must come together to make sure these successes reach the maximum number of people,” remarked Basinga.
Alliance members Pfizer, Facebook, PSI and Google, as well as UC Berkeley historian Elena Conis gave short lightning talks on COVID-19 response, vaccine confidence and opportunities for collaboration. Key highlights:
In reflecting on the Alliance inaugural year coinciding with the global pandemic, Executive Director Sara Anderson said that “one silver lining was increased worldwide awareness of the critical need for global health security, public health and for creating equitable access to care.”
“Community and collaboration also took on new importance. Many realized that we couldn’t go alone and that cross-sector collaboration and innovation were absolutely critical for our recovery—and that recognition led to a 60% growth in the Alliance,” continued Anderson.
The Alliance now has 49 member organizations from the academic, tech, nonprofit, and private sectors. Moving forward in 2021, the Alliance will continue with responsive programming, curated communications, convenings for shared learning, and connections and partnerships to develop future collaborations.
“The Bay Area has long been at the forefront of health innovations,” said Anderson. “We are here to help shine a light on our region’s and our members’ incredible commitment to health, build community and engage the tech sector to advance global health equity.