
Women's Health
Join Rise Up for International Women’s Day: Building Feminist Power

Join Rise Up for International Women’s Day: Building Feminist Power

Join Rise Up and Women’s Funding Network for an inspiring and interactive conversation with feminist leaders from around the world to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8. They’ll discuss how they’re strengthening global gender equity and justice and ways for you to get involved. The event is free and open to the public.

MSD for Mothers: Maternity Matters – How the Private Sector can Advance Equitable Access to Care

MSD for Mothers: Maternity Matters – How the Private Sector can Advance Equitable Access to Care

Join Alliance Member MSD for Mothers for an in-person and virtual event co-hosted with DEVEX and the Country Connector on Private Sector in Health during the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva. This event will explore how more collaborative engagement with local private sector providers can advance equitable access to quality maternal health care for mothers in low- and middle-income countries.

Women Lift Health Global Conference 2024

Women Lift Health Global Conference 2024

This convening is poised as one of the largest platforms dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges impeding women’s progress in leadership roles in global health. This in-person convening is positioned to build networks and leadership skills, mentor, inspire, empower and champion women leaders to catalyze global action to close the gender gap in health leadership.

Maternal Health: Optimizing Safe Delivery Roundtable Discussion | April 19, 2023

More than 4.5 million women and babies die annually during or immediately after childbirth, according to a recent United Nations report. Most of these deaths are preventable with access to quality care. The Bay Area Global Health Alliance, together with Merck for Mothers, convened a small group of members in April 2023 to discuss the challenges and opportunities of ensuring safe delivery in both urban and rural impoverished communities. The cross-sectoral Alliance members that were engaged in discussing possible options to reduce those abysmal statistics included CCBRT in Tanzania and Chidamoyo Hospital in Zimbabwe, and representatives from Antara International, Maya Health Alliance, Simprints, UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, and the World Telehealth Initiative.