Join the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases (CEND) at UC Berkeley for their 14th Annual Symposium. CEND aims to strengthen connections between scientists working on infectious diseases of global health importance and the broader global health research, therapeutics development, and advocacy communities. The focus of the 14th Annual Symposium is Fundamental Mechanisms, Breakthrough Therapies and Beyond.
Decolonizing Healthcare Innovation with Dr. Matthew Harris
Join the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign in welcoming Dr Harris, a Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine at Imperial College London, to discuss his new book focused on the potential of low cost healthcare solutions from low income countries. The book presents a pathway for the UK’s National Health Service to adopt low-cost but effective innovations from areas of the world traditionally seen as beneficiaries rather than providers of help and support. He will share examples of simple, frugal, high quality alternatives to current practice.
How an International Collaboration Aims to Reduce Deadly Brain Bleeds in Brazilian Babies
Stanford University Center for Innovation in Global Health Read more
Communications Directors Meeting #2 | Upswell – Using Social Media for Research | June 21, 2023
During this session, Sarah Francis, Founding Partner, Campaigns & Impact and co-Founder Drew Bernard at Upswell, and Alliance member, led a session on the types of research that can be deployed through social media and how to use social media as a tool for survey recruitment. Sarah and Drew shared insights on how to understand one’s audience, measure the impact of ads on the perception of a brand, and use in-app polls. They also shared information on ads targeting options and strategies to create engaging content to help recruit participants through online surveys.