
Mastering the Art of Evidence Synthesis: A Workshop on Systematic Reviews

Mastering the Art of Evidence Synthesis: A Workshop on Systematic Reviews

Take a deep dive into the world of systematic reviews in this two-day interactive workshop from January 16-17, 2025 — Mastering the Art of Evidence Synthesis: A Workshop on Systematic Reviews. Designed for researchers and practitioners from disciplines including medicine, public health, and psychology, this workshop will walk you through the steps to craft a meticulous review protocol based on best practices in evidence-based decision-making. With hands-on practice, you’ll master the art of developing protocols tailored to your research questions and build the skills to conduct meta-analysis using real datasets. The workshop offers a thorough theoretical foundation and practical skills.

11th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening

11th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening

Join the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health for the 11th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening, which takes place Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at the Arrillaga Alumni Center on Stanford University campus. The theme is One Health: Highlighting interdisciplinary research that recognizes and promotes the interconnected health of humans, animals, and the environment.

Global Health Research Methods Workshop

Global Health Research Methods Workshop

Join Stanford for a two-day intensive workshop that provides a basic overview and introduction to developing research skills applicable to global health. The workshop aims to provide a basic overview and roadmap to help people interested in conducting global health research develop their study question into a concept note that can form the basis for a study proposal. Fundable global health research proposals require a scientifically sound approach to answer a high-value question within a competitive budget envelope. The workshop focuses on essential skills to develop a competitive proposal and budget, including how to approach global health research opportunities, how to engage with collaborators, consideration of sample size, and analytical approach.

2024 National Health Research Forum 

2024 National Health Research Forum 

Join Research!America on September 17 (virtual) and September 18 (in-person) for the 2024 National Health Research Forum. For nearly 30 years, Research!America and its partners have held the National Health Research Forum, assembling top federal officials, leaders from academia, patient advocacy, industry, the philanthropic community and distinguished national media to highlight health and medical research issues vital to the wellbeing of our nation, our economy, and patients across the globe.

Global Health Career Panel

Global Health Career Panel

Registration has closed. Read key takeaways. Join the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and Stanford University's Center for Innovation in Global Health on Wednesday, May 15 from 9-10am PT for this co-hosted global health career panel. Attendees will hear global health...

2023 Global Health Research Methods Workshop

2023 Global Health Research Methods Workshop

Join Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health for their two-day immersive seminar on developing research skills applicable to global health. The workshop will introduce participants to key issues in research proposal development, promote the development of participants’ research interests into tractable research questions, and provide a set of tools and an approach to support development of global health research proposals.

Health Disparities in former NFL Players: Findings from the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University

Health Disparities in former NFL Players: Findings from the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University

Join UC Berkeley School of Public Health for their insights on the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University, a comprehensive research program that examines the health and wellbeing of former National Football League (NFL) players, by focusing on conditions and injuries that former players have identified as most important for both their short- and long-term health. As a researcher who focuses on the importance of centering the community in research studies, Dr. Whittington will share insights on health disparities in former NFL players.

Advancing Care in Outbreaks of Special Pathogens: From Ebola Virus Disease to Lassa Fever

Advancing Care in Outbreaks of Special Pathogens: From Ebola Virus Disease to Lassa Fever

Join UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences for their event featuring Dr. William Fischer, Pulmonary and Critical Care physician and Director of Emerging Pathogens at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Dr. Fischer will discuss advances in the care of patients with Ebola virus disease including supportive care and pathogen-specific therapies and how we are leveraging these lessons learned coupled with new research to advance the care for patients with Lassa fever.

14th Annual Center for Emerging & Neglected Diseases (CEND) Symposium

14th Annual Center for Emerging & Neglected Diseases (CEND) Symposium

Join the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases (CEND) at UC Berkeley for their 14th Annual Symposium. CEND aims to strengthen connections between scientists working on infectious diseases of global health importance and the broader global health research, therapeutics development, and advocacy communities. The focus of the 14th Annual Symposium is Fundamental Mechanisms, Breakthrough Therapies and Beyond.

Decolonizing Healthcare Innovation with Dr. Matthew Harris

Decolonizing Healthcare Innovation with Dr. Matthew Harris

Join the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign in welcoming Dr Harris, a Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary NHS Consultant in Public Health Medicine at Imperial College London, to discuss his new book focused on the potential of low cost healthcare solutions from low income countries. The book presents a pathway for the UK’s National Health Service to adopt low-cost but effective innovations from areas of the world traditionally seen as beneficiaries rather than providers of help and support. He will share examples of simple, frugal, high quality alternatives to current practice.