
The State of the Alliance 2023

The State of the Alliance 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect on what the Bay Area Global Health Alliance has accomplished, how we have shifted to meet the moments and our members’ needs, and where we need to go to advance global health equity and innovation.

The Alliance Joins Leaders at White House Roundtable on AI and Health

The Alliance Joins Leaders at White House Roundtable on AI and Health

Last week Sara Anderson, Executive Director of the Alliance, was honored to be part of the White House Roundtable on AI and Health. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy convened a distinguished group of leaders from across sectors to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) can be safely deployed to improve health outcomes, with a special breakout session on the use of AI to improve public health and global health. To prepare for the meeting, the Alliance sought input from our multi-sector members and key stakeholders on what three-four points they would make if they were at the table.

Bay Area Global Health Alliance 2023 Annual Meeting | June 6, 2023

“The ambitious agenda [of Africa CDC’s Digital Transformation Strategy] over such a huge continent cannot be achieved unless every available resource is harnessed. And that can only be done through cross-collaboration partnerships,” said Africa CDC’s Chief Digital Health Adviser, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, at the Bay Area Global Health Alliance annual meeting on June 6. Attending were more than 125 members and guests, both online and in person at UCSF. Alliance board secretary Martin Dale, PSI, spoke with Nsengimana in a fireside chat that explored the rollout of Africa’s new digital partnership and how digital innovations and partnerships can advance health equity on the continent.

Health Equity, AI, and Partnership: 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

Health Equity, AI, and Partnership: 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

“The ambitious agenda [of Africa CDC’s Digital Transformation Strategy] over such a huge continent cannot be achieved unless every available resource is harnessed. And that can only be done through cross-collaboration partnerships,” said Africa CDC’s Chief Digital Health Adviser, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, at the Bay Area Global Health Alliance annual meeting on June 6. Attending were more than 125 members and guests, both online and in person at UCSF.