
Insights to Action: Ideation on Implementation for Equity Convening

Insights to Action: Ideation on Implementation for Equity Convening

Too often, promising health interventions do not reach the world’s most vulnerable or are not effectively adapted to community needs and constraints, resulting in critical needs remaining unmet and growing health inequity. On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s Insights to Action event explored practical solutions to close the gap between what we know and what we do, using the lens of implementation science to advance health equity.

The Alliance Joins Leaders at White House Roundtable on AI and Health

The Alliance Joins Leaders at White House Roundtable on AI and Health

Last week Sara Anderson, Executive Director of the Alliance, was honored to be part of the White House Roundtable on AI and Health. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy convened a distinguished group of leaders from across sectors to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) can be safely deployed to improve health outcomes, with a special breakout session on the use of AI to improve public health and global health. To prepare for the meeting, the Alliance sought input from our multi-sector members and key stakeholders on what three-four points they would make if they were at the table.

Bay Area Global Health Alliance 2023 Annual Meeting | June 6, 2023

“The ambitious agenda [of Africa CDC’s Digital Transformation Strategy] over such a huge continent cannot be achieved unless every available resource is harnessed. And that can only be done through cross-collaboration partnerships,” said Africa CDC’s Chief Digital Health Adviser, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, at the Bay Area Global Health Alliance annual meeting on June 6. Attending were more than 125 members and guests, both online and in person at UCSF. Alliance board secretary Martin Dale, PSI, spoke with Nsengimana in a fireside chat that explored the rollout of Africa’s new digital partnership and how digital innovations and partnerships can advance health equity on the continent.

Africa Health Tech Summit

Africa Health Tech Summit

Join the Alliance, PSI, PATH, UNICEF, Google and other members at the second annual Africa Health Tech Summit – Digital Health: Empowering People, Transforming Communities held in Kigali, Rwanda this upcoming October. Organized in partnership with the Africa CDC and SmartAfrica, the conference will explore how digital health can transform healthcare delivery across Africa.

Our Members

Collaboration across sectors is necessary to solve global challenges We believe in the catalytic power of shared knowledge and collaboration across our sectors. The Bay Area Global Health Alliance is a membership organization and central network hub, bringing together...

Bio — Neha Agarwal

Neha AgarwalNeha Agarwal is a passionate advocate for global health equity and approaches her work with a strong vision for sustainability, respectful collaborations, innovation, and analytical rigor. She has over 15 years of experience in global health and the life...

Our Story

Our StoryThe Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s mission is to advance global health innovation and equity and improve health outcomes by connecting and convening its cross-sector, multi-disciplinary members and partners.Our ValuesOur theory of change is based on the...

UNGA 78 | Historic Convening of Three High-Level Meetings on Health, Members Gather in NYC

UNGA 78 | Historic Convening of Three High-Level Meetings on Health, Members Gather in NYC

For the first time, the UN General Assembly will convene three High-Level Meetings on ending tuberculosis (TB), delivering universal health coverage (UHC) and strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response during its 78th session (UNGA 78) in New York in September 2023. To elevate and advocate for global health, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance will be attending UNGA 78, along with Alliance members.

Health Equity, AI, and Partnership: 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

Health Equity, AI, and Partnership: 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

“The ambitious agenda [of Africa CDC’s Digital Transformation Strategy] over such a huge continent cannot be achieved unless every available resource is harnessed. And that can only be done through cross-collaboration partnerships,” said Africa CDC’s Chief Digital Health Adviser, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, at the Bay Area Global Health Alliance annual meeting on June 6. Attending were more than 125 members and guests, both online and in person at UCSF.

WHA76 | Opportunity to Bolster Global R&D Capacity, Members Go to Geneva

WHA76 | Opportunity to Bolster Global R&D Capacity, Members Go to Geneva

“This year’s World Health Assembly represents a pivotal moment to advance policy reforms to deliver a more fit-for-purpose, equitable research and development (R&D) ecosystem,” stated the Global Health Technologies Coalition. To accelerate global health innovation and deliver health for all, they recommend WHO member states “take collective action now to establish more inclusive, globally distributed R&D systems and approaches.”

Highlights from 2022 | Growth and Impact of our Multi-Sector Alliance

Highlights from 2022 | Growth and Impact of our Multi-Sector Alliance

Together with your engagement, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance has had a busy and productive year. Below you will find highlights, which we believe speak to our ability as a community to identify and advance opportunities to promote global health equity and innovation. As always, we welcome your feedback and continued involvement as we work to accelerate our collective health impact around the world.