
7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines

7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines

The 7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines is taking place for the first time in the Americas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from October 8-10, 2024 with the theme, “Driving innovation from discovery to access”. This Forum aims to bring more than 400 stakeholders from over 35 countries and all sectors of the TB vaccine field together. The 7th Global Forum is convened by the Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines in collaboration with IAVI, the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI), and hosted by the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Brazilian Tuberculosis Research Network (REDE-TB).

AIDS 2024: Scaling public-private partnerships in prevention and behaviour change

AIDS 2024: Scaling public-private partnerships in prevention and behaviour change

Join the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, United States Agency for International Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson and Johnson and Project Last Mile for a satellite session at AIDS 2024 on July 22, 2024 at 11:30 AM CET. This satellite session will focus on highlighting examples of partnerships that are creating impact in prevention and behavior change for improved program delivery across key health priorities including HIV, TB and Malaria. The session will tackle topics such as: how to effectively leverage consumer insights to address HIV and TB, components for launching successful PPPs, challenges of effective prevention and behavior change programs for HIV and TB including barriers and opportunities to scale behavior-focused prevention. 

3rd Annual Bay Area Tuberculosis Science (BATS) Symposium

3rd Annual Bay Area Tuberculosis Science (BATS) Symposium

Join the UC Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center (UC TRAC) for the 3rd Annual Bay Area Tuberculosis Science (BATS) Symposium, co-sponsored by Alliance members UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and UC Berkeley Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases. BATS brings together TB investigators at UCSF, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford University and the SF Department of Public Health to highlight established and early-stage investigators in the UC TRAC community with the intention to build community and foster collaboration.