
Learnings from the Access Bridge Clinical Reproductive Health Fellowship

Learnings from the Access Bridge Clinical Reproductive Health Fellowship

Join Alliance member Public Health Institute (PHI) for a webinar on the updates and lessons learned from PHI Bridge’s Access Bridge project, that works to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services. In 2023, Access Bridge launched a fellowship with 22 clinicians working in 19 hospitals across 13 states — providing fellows with tools to implement core reproductive health services in their emergency departments (EDs). The webinar will introduce insights on how to build ED capacity to serve as reproductive health safety nets and increase health equity.

Maternity Matters: Leveraging digital solutions at scale to deliver quality health care within UHC | March 3, 2021

Maternity Matters: Leveraging digital solutions at scale to deliver quality health care within UHC | March 3, 2021

A virtual roundtable focused on identifying barriers to accelerating the implementation of digital innovations for maternal health in low- and middle-income countries, as well as potential solutions for better efficiency in collaboration. This ecosystem event held alongside Devex’s Prescription for Progress was co-hosted by the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and Merck for Mothers.

Join Rise Up for International Women’s Day: Building Feminist Power

Join Rise Up for International Women’s Day: Building Feminist Power

Join Rise Up and Women’s Funding Network for an inspiring and interactive conversation with feminist leaders from around the world to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8. They’ll discuss how they’re strengthening global gender equity and justice and ways for you to get involved. The event is free and open to the public.

Catalyzing Impact for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a Changing Climate: A Guide for Synergistic Action

Catalyzing Impact for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a Changing Climate: A Guide for Synergistic Action

Join YLabs and Organon to explore the intersection of climate change, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In response to growing interest following the launch of the Climate Change x SRHR at Women Deliver, this event aims to provide a deeper understanding of how you can use our practical guide to take action. YLabs’ team members will discuss the real-world case studies highlighting the framework’s transformative potential across the health and climate sector.