
AIDS 2024: The private sector as a key partner in health system strengthening

AIDS 2024: The private sector as a key partner in health system strengthening

Join Alliance members Friends of the Global Fight, Chevron, and Zenysis for a satellite session at AIDS 2024 on July 24, 2024 at 7:00 AM CET (July 23, 2024 at 10:00 PM PST) that will explore the role of the private sector as a key partner in health systems strengthening. This session will provide examples of private sector contributions to health systems and provide a space to discuss how to engage the private sector in productive collaborations with other stakeholders that leverage business capabilities to improve health and resilience in low- and middle-income countries and advance Universal Health Coverage.

Private Sector Approaches to Tackling Global Health Challenges | June 24, 2021

Private Sector Approaches to Tackling Global Health Challenges | June 24, 2021

Bay Area Global Health Alliance and our members Medicines360, Resonance, and Population Services International (PSI) had a fireside chat about private sector approaches that can help us take on today’s global health challenges. Our members shared how they have borrowed ideas and models from the private sector to develop, distribute, and market products to further global health.

Embedding Quality Case Management Into Communities

Embedding Quality Case Management Into Communities

Join Population Services International for the second part of their Greater Mekong Subregion Elimination of Malaria through Surveillance (GEMS/GEMS+) learning series, exploring how we can make private sector data work to achieve malaria elimination. Learn how their GEMS/GEMS+ project engaged diverse and hard to reach communities for more effective interventions.

Making Private Sector Data Work for Malaria Elimination

Making Private Sector Data Work for Malaria Elimination

Join Population Services International for the second part of their Greater Mekong Subregion Elimination of Malaria through Surveillance (GEMS/GEMS+) learning series, exploring how we can make private sector data work to achieve malaria elimination. This event will discuss processes for integrating private sector data into national health management information systems for improved data quality and helping governments make better-informed decisions about programming.