
Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign Policy Fellows’ Research Presentations

Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign Policy Fellows’ Research Presentations

Join Alliance member Stanford Institute for Biodesign for their Policy Fellows’ Research Presentations. Their inaugural policy fellows will be showcasing their work on Healthcare AI Policy for Trustworthy Innovation, Interoperability and Maternal Health, Implications of Current Policies in the Biotechnology Industry and Patient Care, and Medicare Adoption Rate of Novel Medical Devices.

Policy Briefing: Are We at a Change Moment? | June 8, 2021

Policy Briefing: Are We at a Change Moment? | June 8, 2021

A virtual Policy Briefing with Chris Collins, President and CEO of Friends of the Global Fight and formerly with UNAIDS, amfAR, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi. This year has been described as a year of great transition, but what’s actually happening? What have we learned from COVID and what are the plans on the table to react to that — in the US and elsewhere? Are we going to continue to under invest in global health or are we truly at a “change moment”?

Policy Briefing with Global Health Council’s President and CEO Elisha Dunn-Georgiou | October 19, 2021

Policy Briefing with Global Health Council’s President and CEO Elisha Dunn-Georgiou | October 19, 2021

Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, the new President and CEO of Global Health Council, joined us for a conversation and update on policy and funding issues on Capitol Hill, at UNGA and following President Biden’s recent COVID Summit, where she joined leaders in committing to end the COVID-19 pandemic. She gave her observations from DC and answered questions on the political state of global health, in this critical time.

Policy Briefing: Update From DC | October 13, 2022

Policy Briefing: Update From DC | October 13, 2022

On October 13, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Center for Global Health Innovation brought together premier global health advocacy organizations Global Health Council, Global Health Technologies Coalition, and Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria to update members on the US government’s global health budget, the impact of the pandemic on policy, new initiatives to spur innovation, and how to elevate equity in the global health agenda. Learn more.