
GIIN Impact Forum

GIIN Impact Forum

The GIIN Impact Forum is a global impact investing event with unparalleled opportunities to learn from thought-provoking speakers, participate in interactive sessions and network with impact investing leaders from six continents. With more people recognizing the importance of societal and environmental impact in investments, now is the time to position yourself at the forefront of this rapidly evolving industry. Attending the forum will help you foster valuable connections and learn about innovative strategies and industry developments. 

Reflections on 10 years at the Intersection of Community Development & Health: How far have we come and where do we go from here?

Reflections on 10 years at the Intersection of Community Development & Health: How far have we come and where do we go from here?

The Build Healthy Places Network was founded 10 years ago to support and expand the development of a new field bridging the sectors of community development and health. Join Alliance member Public Health Institute for the next Network Commons and hear from key leaders in this movement to drive collaborative neighborhood investments to improve health, advance racial equity, and reduce poverty in communities across the country.

An Alliance Conversation with Baraka Impact Finance: The Role for Private Sector Capital in The Funding of Global Health Solutions

On July 20 at UCSF, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance hosted Baraka Impact Finance for a conversation on innovative financing for global health in emerging markets. The discussion highlighted the potential of private capital to drive impactful health solutions, the growing interest in impact-focused investments, and the need for greater collaboration between investors, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits to address the challenges faced in global health financing.