
Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference

Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference

Join Alliance member Stanford University for the Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) Conference. Stanford University, known for its academic and scholarly excellence, is a leader in infectious disease research and has several laboratory groups throughout the institution whose research is dedicated to stopping infectious disease transmission and enhancing the health of the world around us. Given this area of expertise, this year’s EEID theme will be Healthy Planet, Healthy People, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental well-being. In addition to this focus, this year’s conference also strives to enhance learning through inclusion of diverse perspectives from experts around the world whose work focuses on infectious disease.

Pandemic Preparedness and Response Conversation Series

Pandemic Preparedness and Response Conversation Series

Unbiased metagenomics hold considerable promise in our ability to rapidly detect and respond to emerging infectious disease threats. The scientists at the Chan Zuckerberg (CZ) Biohub and UCSF are working to improve scale and access to next- generation sequencing tools around the globe. Two colleagues from CZ Biohub and UCSF will join Alliance member UCSF to talk about their work.

IGHS Grand Rounds / CPPR Conversation Series with Anthony Fauci and Eric Goosby

IGHS Grand Rounds / CPPR Conversation Series with Anthony Fauci and Eric Goosby

Alliance member UCSF invites you to a CPPR conversation series/IGHS grand rounds hosted by the Center for Pandemic Preparedness and Response and the Institute for Global Health Sciences at UCSF featuring two globally renowned infectious disease doctors, Anthony Fauci, MD, and Eric Goosby, MD. This is a unique opportunity to hear from two medical giants with extensive experience in the management and containment of infectious disease outbreaks.

CPPR Conversation Series with Dr. Monica Gandhi

CPPR Conversation Series with Dr. Monica Gandhi

Join Alliance member UCSF for a conversation with infectious disease doctor Monica Gandhi. She’ll discuss her new book, Endemic: A Post-Pandemic Playbook, which addresses the importance of biomedical advances and harm reduction strategies in ensuring equitable responses to current and future pandemics. Dr. Monica Gandhi is an expert in infectious diseases, specializing particularly in the care of patients with HIV and AIDS.

14th Annual Center for Emerging & Neglected Diseases (CEND) Symposium

14th Annual Center for Emerging & Neglected Diseases (CEND) Symposium

Join the Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases (CEND) at UC Berkeley for their 14th Annual Symposium. CEND aims to strengthen connections between scientists working on infectious diseases of global health importance and the broader global health research, therapeutics development, and advocacy communities. The focus of the 14th Annual Symposium is Fundamental Mechanisms, Breakthrough Therapies and Beyond.