“The ambitious agenda [of Africa CDC’s Digital Transformation Strategy] over such a huge continent cannot be achieved unless every available resource is harnessed. And that can only be done through cross-collaboration partnerships,” said Africa CDC’s Chief Digital Health Adviser, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, at the Bay Area Global Health Alliance annual meeting on June 6. Attending were more than 125 members and guests, both online and in person at UCSF. Alliance board secretary Martin Dale, PSI, spoke with Nsengimana in a fireside chat that explored the rollout of Africa’s new digital partnership and how digital innovations and partnerships can advance health equity on the continent.
- 19Labs
- AbbVie
- Accenture
- Africa Health Business
- AIfluence
- Airbnb
- Americares
- Ananya Health
- Antara International
- Baraka Impact Finance
- Boston Consulting Group
- Cepheid
- Chevron
- Clinton Global Initiative
- Connective Impact
- Consortium of Universities for Global Health
- Cross-Border Impact Ventures
- Ending Pandemics
- Fistula Foundation
- Friends of Chidamoyo
- Friends of the Global Fight
- GAIA Global Health
- Gilead Sciences
- Global Environment & Technology Foundation
- Global Fund for Women
- Global Health Corps
- Global Health Council
- Global Health Technologies Coalition
- Global Impact Advisors
- Global Strategies
- HealthAI
- Hesperian Health Guides
- HOPO Therapeutics
- Ideo.org
- Ipas
- John Snow, Inc.
- Kainomyx
- Kapnek Trust USA
- Kupona Foundation
- L.E.K. Consulting
- LivingGoods
- Mastercard
- Maya Health Alliance
- Medicines360
- MedShare
- Merck
- Meta
- Nivi
- North Carolina Global Health Alliance
- OmniVis
- Pathfinder International
- Pendulum
- Pfizer
- Planetary Health Alliance
- Population Services International
- Public Health Institute
- Resonance
- ReSurge International
- Roche Diagnostics
- Sabin Vaccine Institute
- San Francisco Community Health Center
- Seed Global Health
- Simprints
- Stanford University
- — Stanford University Byers Center for Biodesign
- — Stanford University Center for Innovation in Global Health
- — Stanford University School of Medicine
- Street Business School
- Tiba Foundation
- UK Science & Innovation Network
- University of California
- — UC Berkeley
- — UC Berkeley Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases
- — UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- — UC Berkeley School of Public Health
- — UC Davis
- — UC Davis Institute for Pandemic Intelligence
- — UC Global Health Institute
- — UCSF
- — UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences
- UpSwell
- Viamo
- Vir Biotechnology
- Washington Global Health Alliance
- Watsi
- World Health Organization
- World Telehealth Initiative
- YLabs
- Zenysis
- Africa
- — Cameroon
- — Côte d’Ivoire
- — Ethiopia
- — Guinea
- — Kenya
- — Malawi
- — Mozambique
- — Niger
- — Rwanda
- —— Kigali
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