
Health Equity Brown Bag Lunch | Geography and Inequity: Key Structural Determinants of Health in the US

Health Equity Brown Bag Lunch | Geography and Inequity: Key Structural Determinants of Health in the US

Join the Alliance, Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign, and Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health for Geography and Inequity: Key Structural Determinants of Health in the US, a Health Equity Brown Bag Lunch Session. This session features speaker Sarah Hooper, JD, Professor of Practice at UC Law San Francisco and Associate Dean of the UCSF-UC Law SF Master of Science in Health Policy & Law. She focuses on health justice, aging, and complex care. She has been involved in clinical interventions like the Medical-Legal Partnership for Seniors Clinic and research projects such as the Dementia Care Ecosystem clinical trial. Sarah has co-developed tools for decision-making among older adults with dementia, including PREPARE and Plan for Clarity.

Stanford Big Ideas in Medicine Conference

Stanford Big Ideas in Medicine Conference

Join Alliance member Stanford University for conversations with thought leaders from academia, business, policy, and journalism as they present their Big Ideas that will shape the future of medicine. In this inaugural Big Ideas Conference, four theme areas were selected by a committee of Stanford faculty. Each theme will feature four speakers giving a 15 to 30 minute talk on a transformational Big Idea followed by a conversation with the speaker.