Connecting for innovation and impact for all in global health
Too often, promising health interventions do not reach the world’s most vulnerable or are not effectively adapted to community needs and constraints. This often results in critical needs remaining unmet and growing health inequity, despite significant investment seeking to address these issues. On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s Insights to Action: Ideation on Implementation for Equity event will explore practical solutions to close the gap between what we know and what we do, using the lens of implementation science to advance health equity. One week later, a follow-up event on November 3, 2023, will create an opportunity for more dialogue and small group breakout discussions.
Update: The two events attracted more than 140 registrants from different sectors and geographies, who came together for a hybrid event on October 26, both online and in person at Accenture’s office in San Francisco, and virtually for the follow-up event on November 3. These events were part of a broader project exploring the intersection of implementation science and health equity, with thanks to Alliance member Gilead Sciences for making the exploration possible. For more information on the insights identified through the literature review, multi-sectoral interviews and October 26 convening, please check out the Insights Summary shared in the pre-read for the event.