Alliance News

AI & Global Health Discussion Series

Feb 1, 2024

About the Alliance’s AI and Global Health Series:

The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Global Health holds enormous potential to revolutionize healthcare, improve access to medical services, and address global health challenges. Leveraging AI technologies, such as machine learning, large language models, natural language processing, and robotics, offers innovative solutions that can positively impact healthcare systems worldwide. 

Following the Alliance’s panel on AI during its 2023 Annual Meeting, and the Alliance’s participation in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Roundtable on AI and Global Health in October 2023, members have requested further convenings to understand opportunities and implications for their work. Several members of the Bay Area Global Health Alliance have already started integrating AI into their organizations and programs and are focused on how best to ensure the responsible and ethical implementation of AI in their initiatives. 

To explore and understand this dynamic field, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and lead sponsor, Pfizer are hosting a four-part Discussion Series on AI and Global Health, designed to profile a range of use cases to highlight how Alliance members and partners are augmenting their efforts through this rapidly evolving technology. This interactive series will showcase members who have started integrating AI into their programs and explore how best to ensure the responsible and ethical implementation of AI in their initiatives. It hopes to provide paths forward for those new to AI and those who are well-versed in the emerging technologies.


Upcoming Convenings:

The Alliance, supported by Population Services International, is organizing the fourth and final session in our 2024 AI and Global Health Discussion Series, “Smart Health, Smart Choices: Leveraging AI for Behavior Change in Global Health,” which will take place in person on December 3rd, 6:30–8:00 PM GMT+3 at the Microsoft Africa Development Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, and virtually on Microsoft Teams. The hybrid session, being held as a precursor to the Global Digital Health Forum, will explore how AI is being deployed to support health behavior change. We are grateful to Pfizer for their support of our AI and Global Health series. Register here.


Past Convenings:

Session #1: February 28, 2024: AI Demystified: Practical Insights and Real-World Applications; kicked off with a Fireside Chat with Bill Weeks, Director of AI for Health at Microsoft. Watch and read more about insights and panelists.

Session #2: May 9, 2024: Navigating Imperfect Data: Challenges and Solutions for AI-Powered Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings; opening conversation with Rebecca Distler, Strategist for AI, Data, and Digital Health at the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation. Watch and read on about insights and panelists.

Session #3: June 25, 2024: Empowering Frontline Health Workers with AI: Navigating Pitfalls and Possibilities; started off with research presented by Elina Urli Hodges, Assistant Director of Programs at the Duke Global Health Innovation Center and Innovations in Healthcare. Watch and read more about insights and panelists.


Special thanks to Pfizer, sponsor of the Alliance’s AI and Global Health Discussion Series.