Jobs & Opportunities
From Our December 2024 Connections Newsletter
Note: Postings accurate as of date of newsletter publication
Job Postings
- Policy Advisor: Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda & Zambia I Seed Global Health, Dec. 20
- People Operations Manager – Remote I Simprints, Jan. 31
- Program Manager I Stanford, Human & Planetary Health
- Program & Communications Coordinator I Stanford, Human & Planetary Health
- Policy Director I Unlock Aid
- AI Technical Product Manager I Audere Africa
- ML Ops Engineer, South Africa I Audere Africa
- Director of People & Culture I Global Health Corps
- Current Openings I AbbVie
- Current Openings I CCBRT
- Current Openings I CUGH
- Current Openings I Global Health Corps
- Current Openings | HOPO Therapeutics
- Current Openings I
- Current Openings I JSI
- Current Openings I Living Goods
- Current Openings I Nivi
- Current Openings I North Carolina Global Health Alliance
- Current Openings I PATH
- Current Openings I Planetary Health Alliance
- Current Openings I PHI
- Current Openings | San Francisco Community Health Center
- Current Openings I Seed Global Health
- Current Openings I Simprints
- Global Health Career Center I Stanford
- Current Openings I UC Berkeley
- Careers in Global Health I UCSF
- Current Openings I UNICEF USA
- Current Openings I Viamo
- Current Openings I YLabs
- Current Openings I Zenysis
Opportunities | Resources
- Gilead Corporate Grants Asia [Gilead Sciences, Dec. 31]
- AmplifyChange Partnership Grants [AmplifyChange, Dec. 31]
- DRK Foundation Fund [Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, Dec. 31]
- Flahive Family Foundation Grant [Flahive Family Foundation, Dec. 31]
- Exhibit at CUGH [CUGH, Jan. 3]
- RFP I Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Safety Grants [SF Community Health Center, Jan. 6]
- Call for Applications, Climate & Health: Addressing Climate-Driven Health Challenges [HealthTech Hub Africa, Jan. 17]
- Organizational Applications for CivicSpark Fellow (6-Month Placement) [PHI, Jan. 17]
- Global Health Media Fellowship [Stanford, Jan. 21]
- Open Call, Pediatric & Maternal Health Innovation [Impact4Kids, Stanford, Jan. 26]
- Health in a Changing Climate, Call for Submissions [Oxford Open Climate Change, Jan. 31]
- Women’s Infectious Diseases Global Scholars Program Application [Weill Cornell, Jan. 31]
- US Leadership Accelerator Application [Global Health Corps, Mar. 31]
- Master of Science in Global Health Program [UCSF, Jun. 16]
- Messaging Guide for California Advocates Working to Reduce Injuries & Fatalities from Firearms [PHI]
- HPV & Routine Immunization Education Videos [Maya Health Alliance, Stanford’s Digital Medic, UCSF]
- Online Training on Supply Chain Management for Health Facilities [inSupply Health]
- Free TA & Training: Building Sustainable In-Home Asthma Services [PHI]
- Messaging Guide: Changing the Story About Park & Green Space Equity: A Messaging Guide for Advocates [PHI]
- PHIL Collective: Tools, Training & Resources for Collaborative, Cross-Sector Efforts to Improve Health & Equity [PHI]
- Health Workers Save Lives Campaign [Seed Global Health, Frontline Health Workers Coalition]
- Funder Directory [Segal Family Foundation]
- Requests for Proposals [PATH]
- Open Postdoctoral Positions [Stanford]
- Open Call for Proposals [Unitaid]
- One Health Cases Call for Authors [CABI]
- Use of Epidemic Intelligence Systems with a Particular Focus on Event-Based Surveillance for Pandemic Preparedness Course [WHO]
- One Health Training Materials [One Health Workforce Academies]
- Advances in Global Health Submissions Open [UCGHI]
- ICT4D Funding Opportunities [ICTworks]
- USAID Sub-Opportunities [USAID]
- Calls for Proposals & Calls for Applications [Funds for NGOs]
- Global Health Research Funding [Fogarty International Center]
- Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities [Johns Hopkins University]